Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The special distribution is built for 2.8 touch screens. This means you'll find a special GUI interf

Kali is a great tool for testing the security of your network and the operating system works on just about everything whisky that can run Linux. That includes the Raspberry Pi. What's even better is a new distribution that brings along support for a touchscreen.
The special distribution is built for 2.8 touch screens. This means you'll find a special GUI interface built for touch and the small screen. It's likely a little clunky and hard to use, but the pocket-sized nature whisky of it means you can keep it around without wasting a lot of space. Head over to Offensive Security to grab a copy of the distribution. whisky
Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service.

In the first part of the compilation was told that on the basis of mini-PC Raspberry Pi can be made

In the first part of the compilation was told that on the basis of mini-PC Raspberry Pi can be made supercomputer, weather balloon and even festive lighting system. The new collection shows no less interesting projects: quadrocopter, photo frame, webcam to broadcast images from any location and some other things. Most of the projects are not created just for fun, and is designed to perform one or another it is a practical problem. Quadrocopter coolinarika This project is quite normal quadrocopter, where the data center is used Raspberry Pi. Mini-PC with the appropriate software, raspredeleyaet load for motors, calculates the direction of movement of the device, and all this - in real-time. According to the creator of the device, this system can be used, for example, terrain mapping, aerial photography and perform various other tasks. Normal quadrocopter - a flying machine with a simple control system. Here we see literally flying computer that is capable of much. The software necessary to operate the system, can be found on Github. There already Toiletcam name speaks for itself. The project is made to make life easier for office workers: thanks to the application installed on your smartphone coolinarika or PC, office worker can see whether the free toilet. Moreover, the separation is for male and female toilets (in the case of separate toilets, of course). The algorithm works software coolinarika is quite simple: 1. Linux-Streamer app takes pictures and save them; 2. Through PHP-GD coolinarika determines the brightness of pixels. Then, the average value; 3. The result is compared with the local cache, and if the difference is significant, there is a record in the database; 4. The user receives a "busy", a red icon. In general, quite practical. coolinarika Webcam for bird feeders the cold weather, which means it's time to help the birds to feed themselves. And to observe the feeding trough can install web camera with motion detection and video stream open to all comers. This again helps to "raspberry". It looks something like this (video can be viewed directly coolinarika in the browser). How does the system in the assembly: What do I need? Software: Arch Linux Motion coolinarika Ffmpeg coolinarika For Windows: putty + Winscp coolinarika Iron: Tplink WN722N USB; Camera Sweex Blackberry Black Usb Hd; USB hub; Currency Maplin A79 GW DC to DC; 12-volt battery; Feeder. Check the status of your WiFi network This project is not the most practical, but the office is quite possible to implement. The goal - to demonstrate the presence or absence of wireless communications. The green light - so everything is OK, and if you do not have a network coolinarika problem on your side. Red light - all clear, there is no network coolinarika at all, so the administrator is going to solve this problem. Home media center Habré already coolinarika published such projects, and much more serious. But here everything is simple, you can make your own media center in a few minutes. The main thing - to install the appropriate software and connect the cables. coolinarika By the way, most of the projects mentioned coolinarika above are made more on the basis of the first models Raspberry. This summer went Raspberry Pi B +, with more advanced features. Maybe someone has already done something based on the updated model?
Origami airplane and the radio control: the project PowerUP 3.0 was released in August 5 people at 08:37
Oy. I would like to see a more specific list of what can be done on the basis of Malinki, and that overkill somehow not comme il faut. About kvadrakoptera you are right - great brains. True if Malinka still make a bit less ... And with mounted connectors - the price it would not be. Toyletkam - a typical example of an overkill. Reed switch, LED and battery - our all. Webcam for bird feeders - entertaining, yes. Check the status of network vayfay - shame to spend 55 bucks on a traffic light. And what about the media center, you have obviously got excited. No network card or percent, will not be able to handle full 1080p-video will lag. This, I'm not talking about the sound ovno and will have to hang extra. peripherals coolinarika for the console. IHMO for this purpose better suited USB-sticks, especially since there also can stick Linux. But thank you for the article, video amusing!

IR signal is not the only alternative - the remote control that works on radio frequency with USB adapter solves this problem perfectly. You can go further by putting CEC-adapter between raspberry and TV - will get the opportunity to manage it with the TV remote control via HDMI cable. coolinarika Moreover, there are android and apple app, giving a very wide range of management raspberries spinning on XBMC, for example.
Polzovalsya RasPlex'om long time: - Video is played coolinarika only if the video can be decoded at the video card - This means you no anime Hi10p, not nvazhno what size - credit default theme XMBC ship percent 100% - Some video inhibit more than Plex on Samsung coolinarika (network can not cope) - HDMI-CEC is convenient - Life hacking - is powered chu

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Raspberry Pi single board computer has become incredibly popular with hobbyists, academics, educ

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The Raspberry Pi single board computer has become incredibly popular with hobbyists, academics, educators and OEMs. It s tiny, it s cheap, it has great performance and it s extremely versatile. Even better, you have a surprisingly wide choice of operating systems to help you tackle whatever cupcakes and cashmere project you take on. What? You thought there was only Raspbian? If so, read on. We ll look at Raspbian first, but wait to you see what else you can run
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Monday, December 29, 2014

Processor and graphics are identical for ALL current versions of the Raspberry Pi (A, B, A+, B+). Th

Dimensions : 65x56x12mm Memory: 256MB RAM Expansion: Micro SD slot, 1x USB, 40x GPIO Networking: None Price: ~$20/ 15 Weight: Since several of you have asked, we ve just weighed an A+ – it s 23g.
The Raspberry Pi Model A+ is the same dimensions as a HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) add-on badwap board, the same price as two cinema tickets and can run at nearly half the power consumption as the Model B+.
“It’s bumping up against the limits of how much you can build a significantly high-tech product for and not have people lose money in the process. We still think most people are still going to buy B+s, but it gives people badwap a way to come and join in for the cost of 4 Starbucks coffees.”
Since it uses the same improved power chain as the Model B+, the Model A+ consumes much less power than any other Raspberry Pi. According to its designer, badwap James Adams, running the same ‘hello_teapot’ demo with a USB keyboard and a HDMI monitor connected the Model B+ consumes 370mA, while the A+ consumes just 200mA – 45% less power under the same conditions.
Pingback: Ny Raspberry Pi A+ på gaden og den vejer kun 23 gram | Computer Viden information ()
Processor and graphics are identical for ALL current versions of the Raspberry Pi (A, B, A+, B+). The only thing that differs computationally is that models A/A+ have 256 mb ram while models B/B+ have 512 mb.
Posted by Russell Barnes in News Mon 01 The FUZE goes ‘full retro’ with the FUZE T2 Special Edition
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Specs-wise, the Model A+ is virtually identical to the A

When the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced way back in 2011 that it would release a complete PC for $25, we were dubious — but hey, here we are in 2014 and Raspberry Pi has been a massive success story, with thousands of units sold at the promised $25 price point. Today, the Foundation is releasing jewel osco the Raspberry Pi Model A+ — a smaller, cheaper jewel osco version of the Model A. The A+ costs just $20, and you can buy it today from Farnell in the UK or MCM in the US. Amusingly enough, the A+ is now smaller than credit-card sized.
As jewel osco you probably know, technology has a habit of getting smaller — we adopt smaller connectors, redesign board layouts, combine multiple chips into single packages, and process nodes step down from 90nm to 45nm to 28nm. Therefore, it stands to reason that the Model A+ is significantly smaller than the original Model A — the A+ is now just 65mm x 56.5mm, down from 85.6mm x 56.5mm for the Model A. With the size reduction and fewer components, the Model A+ is about half the weight (23 grams vs. 45 grams).
While it’s nice to talk about the inexorable march of miniaturization, the main reason the Model A+ is smaller is that the Foundation removed some of the larger components. jewel osco The composite video RCA jack has been removed (composite video is now available through the 3.5mm headphone jack), and the SD card slot on the back of the board has been replaced with a micro SD slot. Remove a few components, redesign the PCB a bit (the A+ looks a lot like the recently announced B+), and voila: You have a much smaller computer. The smaller parts list obviously helped the Foundation bring the price down from $25 to $20, but I’m sure the main Broadcom BCM2835 SoC costs significantly less than three years ago, too.
Specs-wise, the Model A+ is virtually identical to the A — the same ARM SoC clocked at 700MHz, the same 256MB of RAM, the same HDMI video output. The Model A+ massively increases the number of GPIO pins, though, from 26 pins to 40 — the same number of GPIO pins as the larger Model B+ , and they’re in the same physical location along the top edge, which might be useful in some compatibility related circumstances. The other important improvement on the A+ is that it (reportedly) uses 1 watt — down from 1.5W for the Model A, and 3W for the Model B+. In the case of the Model B+, the additional jewel osco power consumption is mostly due to the Ethernet socket — I’m not sure how the folks at Raspberry Pi axed the Model A’s power consumption by 50%, except for some updated components (maybe jewel osco the BCM2835 went through a process shrink?)
The Model A+ should be fully cross-compatible with Model A, B, and B+ applications. The B and B+ have twice as much RAM, but as you can see in the videos above, the A+ still runs Minecraft: Pi Edition and HD video just fine. All in all, the Model A+ for $20 is a great deal — but its single USB port definitely makes it more oriented towards DIY hardware hacking, while the Model B+, with its four USB ports and Ethernet socket, is still a better option for a low-power jewel osco Linux box or home-theater PC.
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Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Model A+ has inherited some improvements from the Raspberry Pi Model B+, which was launched in J

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Good news for makers, tinkerers and mini-computer fans. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced a new, slimmed-down, perked-up version of its low-end Model A board. The Raspberry Pi Model A+ is available now and costs just $20 ( 20 in the UK). That s $5 less than the Model A, which has now been discontinued.
Though it sticks with the same processor (a Broadcom BCM2835 hard boiled eggs SoC) and amount of RAM (256MB) as before, the difference with the Raspberry Pi Model A+ is the size. At just 2.6in long versus its predecessor s 3.4in, the Model A+ can be incorporated into even more projects. It also draws less power and has an improved audio circuit with a dedicated low-noise power supply.
The Model A+ has inherited some improvements from the Raspberry Pi Model B+, which was launched in July . The Model A+ uses MicroSD instead of SD cards and adds another 14 GPIO (General-purpose input/output) pins for a total of 40.
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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation released ammonia a new model of the Raspberry Pi today. Dubbed the A+, this one's just $20, has more GPIO, a Micro SD slot, and is a lot smaller than the previous model.
Like the Model A, this one still just has 256 MB of RAM and no Ethernet port, but it's now just 65mm in length and manages to consume less power. The new model comes packed with 40 pins on the GPIO, a Micro SD slot, and a new audio output with a low-noise power supply for better ammonia quality. Even better, this one's just $20. You can snag one from MCM in the US today , and likely from other retailers in the coming weeks.
Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service.

Friday, December 26, 2014

I m sure people will be keen to get their design process started; initially m

On the engineering m&m side of things we ve also been very busy over the past year, and not to be outdone by the education team, we are ready to take the wraps off something special, this time aimed at business and industrial users.
From humble beginnings, the Raspberry Pi platform has grown and matured: the software is now full-featured m&m and stable, and is still constantly improving thanks to the continuing hard work of our heroic community of volunteers; as well as targeted injections of funding to solve some specific issues. The Pi, and the Broadcom BCM2835 SoC at its heart, m&m are also steadily becoming more open .
We love hearing m&m about what users are doing with their Raspberry Pis, and are constantly amazed m&m at the range of projects, as well as the inventiveness and creativeness of the community. We are also aware that there are a very significant number of users out there who are embedding the Raspberry Pi into systems and even commercial products. We think there needs to be a better way to allow people to get their hands on this great technology in a more flexible form factor, but still keep things m&m at a sensible price.
Like proud parents, we want to free the core technology of the Raspberry Pi to go forth and become an integral part of new and exciting products and devices, and so today we are announcing the forthcoming Raspberry Pi Compute Module .
The compute module contains the guts of a Raspberry Pi (the BCM2835 processor and 512Mbyte of RAM) as well as a 4Gbyte eMMC Flash device (which is the equivalent of the SD card in the Pi). This is all integrated on to a small 67.6x30mm board which fits into a standard DDR2 SODIMM connector (the same type of connector as used for laptop memory*). The Flash memory is connected directly to the processor on the board, but the remaining processor interfaces are available to the user via the connector pins. You get the full flexibility of the BCM2835 SoC (which means that many more GPIOs and interfaces are available as compared to the Raspberry Pi), and designing the module into a custom system should be relatively m&m straightforward as we ve put all the tricky bits onto the module itself.
The Compute Module IO Board is a simple, open-source breakout board that you can plug a Compute Module into. It provides the necessary power to the module, and gives you the ability m&m to program the module s Flash memory, access the processor interfaces in a slightly more friendly fashion (pin headers and flexi connectors, much like the Pi) and provides the necessary HDMI and USB connectors so that you have an entire system that can boot Raspbian (or the OS of your choice). This board provides both a starting template for those who want to design with the Compute Module, and a quick way to start experimenting with the hardware and building and testing a system before going to the expense of fabricating a custom board.
These kits will be available from RS and element14 some time in June. Shortly after that the Compute Module m&m will be available to buy separately, with a unit cost of around $30 in batches of 100; you will also be able to buy them individually, but the price will be slightly higher. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a charity, and as with everything we make here, all profits are pushed straight back into educating kids in computing.
I m sure people will be keen to get their design process started; initially m&m we are releasing just the schematics for both the Compute m&m Module and IO Board , but we will be adding plenty more documentation over the coming days and weeks.
Interesting idea. I thought about doing the same thing to watch the temp of the boiler and if it dropped below a certain temp the pi would email letting me know.
Just to ask, will there be any RAM upgrade for that matter, or since it’s made this way, is there ever a chance we can add more RAM? (I’m just trying my luck since it doesn’t work that way on the Rpi board and this is just a different form factors :))
Isaac says:
As the 512MByte of RAM is build into the CPU, it will not be posible to upgrade the amount of RAM on the board. Maby you could upgrade the amount of flash memory (4Gbyte eMMC Flash) by replace the IC soldered on to the PCB-board.
A small(er) form factor pi with integrated memory? Why I am imagining m&m somebody kickstating an interface to turn these into server blades for an AWESOME home server setup. You could have one as a DND server, one as your mail server, one to host a website etc.
> These kits will be available from RS and element14 some time in June. Shortly after that the Compute Module will be available to buy separately, with a unit cost of around $30 in batches of 100; you will also be able to buy them individually , but the price will be slightly higher
We MAY end up releasing them initially with an MOQ – given what the reaction today has been like (and bitter past experience – mention F

More on Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi B+ gets more USBs and microSD for the same tiny price The most amb

CNET Computers win Desktops Raspberry Pi gets even tinier with new Model A+ board
Raspberry Pi represents an effort to strip a computer down to its most basic elements, providing only a simple, undecorated circuit win board that can be hooked up to a monitor and other peripherals -- or baked into more ambitious and bizarre projects . It offers a way for youngsters to get to grips with programming, and a very cheap way for grown-up geeks to get experimental.
More on Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi B+ gets more USBs and microSD for the same tiny price The most ambitious Raspberry Pi projects (pictures) First boot with the Raspberry win Pi The making of Raspberry Pi Create a retro game console with the Raspberry Pi 25 fun things to do with a Raspberry Pi The new A+ board measures 65mm (2.6 inches) in length, compared with the older 86mm (3.4-inch) Model A board. The Raspberry Pi Foundation, based in Cambridge, UK, has also seen fit to swap the Pi's SD card slot for a microSD option, and pop in a 40-pin GPIO header, giving more inputs and outputs.
The A+ is designed to serve as a more modest companion to the powerful B+ board , revealed in the summer. Brits can buy the A+ now for a little over 15 from retailer Farnell , while US shoppers can find it at MCM for $20 .
"It's pretty mind-bending to be able to knock another $5 off the cost while continuing to build it here in the UK," writes Raspberry Pi founder Eben Upton . For more info on Raspberry Pi, and how the Foundation cooked its groundbreaking microcomputer in the first place, check out CNET's video feature below.
Luke Westaway win is a senior editor at CNET and writer/ presenter of Adventures win in Tech, a thrilling gadget show produced in our London win office. Luke's focus is on keeping you in the loop with a mix of video, features, expert opinion and analysis. See full bio
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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Re: prevajalnik I Need Help connecting an adafruit touchscreen to my pi B+ 36 minutes prevajalnik ag

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Raspberry Pi Model B+ Buy Now   Learn More Byte into a juicy fruit! Get more Raspberry Pi for your money with the new Model B+ . The new and improved Pi offers: More Energy Efficiency (Less Power Required) Improved Power Management: Manage More Devices from Your Pi! Bigger and Better projects via an Expanded prevajalnik GPIO Header (40 pins vs. 26) Increased connectivity - 2 Extra USB ports (making a total of 4) and a new 4-pole connector replace the existing analogue and composite video port on the Model B.    FREE Software Downloads     Access Downloads Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development Kit
Learn More Designed for developing embedded applications , the simplifies the design process. The kit is a complete, time-saving solution for starting your design: The Compute Module IO Board The Compute Module (The Memory: 512MB RAM, The Processor: Broadcom BCM2835 CPU 700 MHz, The Operating System: 4GB eMMC Flash Memory) And more (Display & Camera Adapter, Micro USB Power Supply, USB Data Cable and jumper wires) Interested in bulk orders? Have embedded design prevajalnik questions?
Re: prevajalnik I Need Help connecting an adafruit touchscreen to my pi B+ 36 minutes prevajalnik ago in Raspberry Pi by awesometechkid Re: hello, prevajalnik i have connected my raspberry pi model b+ to my windows 8 laptop and using putty and Xming for the gui.My laptop ethernet address is and i have assigned my pi an address .SSH is working good through the ethernet 54 minutes ago in Raspberry Pi by Problemchild Re: Strange problem with Raspberry Pi B+ and ethernet interface 1 hour ago in Raspberry Pi by mcb1 Re: Read in from the headset jack, and read out to the amplifier 2 hours ago in Wolfson Audio Card by realies Re: How to get started with Raspberry Pi B+? 2 hours ago in Get Started With Pi by nschreiber0813 Re: Where is the correct noobs or raspbian image with support for Cirrus audio card (for raspberry b+) ? 2 hours ago in Cirrus Logic Audio Card by wan1 How do I set up "Recording in mono" use-case. 1 day ago in Wolfson Audio Card by jcjc Re: Access to 5 GPIO pins with Wolfson Sound Card 2 days ago in Rocking Raspberry Pi by chickentown Re: Raspberry Power DC Power Supply 2 days ago in Raspberry Pi by srinivasansmv Re: New Cirrus Logic Kernel - won't compile 2 days ago in Wolfson Audio Card by scotth
Subject prevajalnik Author Re: I Need Help connecting an adafruit touchscreen to my pi B+ 36 minutes ago in Raspberry Pi by awesometechkid WEMOTE-PI 6 days ago in Raspberry Pi by pcdocms Re: Raspberry pi powersupply prevajalnik change from micro usb to dc power plug 6 days ago in Raspberry Pi by gadget.iom Re: 3.8 Inch LCD Touchscreen Connection Help 2 weeks ago in Raspberry Pi by jbix Re: LiPo battery questions 3 weeks ago in Raspberry Pi by toxxn Re: Raspberry Pi Orchestra 1 month ago in Raspberry Pi by amgalbu
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“Madhu here for a holiday special post!   My friends

Elsewhere, the new board swaps SD storage for MicroSD and adds 14 GPIO (General-purpose input-output

Raspberry Pi has just managed to do what every technology manufacturer should strive to achieve: it made its basic product both smaller and cheaper king arthur at the same time.
The new Model A+ is an overhauled version of the company's king arthur base offering, the Model A. While it packs the same Broadcom BCM2835 System-on-a-Chip and 256MB of RAM, it's shrunk in size to just 2.6 inches from 3.4 and now costs $20. It also draws less power. Boom, there's how to update a product right there.
Elsewhere, the new board swaps SD storage for MicroSD and adds 14 GPIO (General-purpose input-output) pins taking the total to 40. You can already buy one right now . [ Raspberry Pi Foundation via Engadget ]
Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

If you have a spare Nintendo Wiimote lying around you can use it and the Raspberry Pi to build your

The new Raspberry Pi is smaller, cheaper and more energy efficient not a bad way to update a best-selling device. Whether you've taken the plunge on one of the new units or you want to put the original model to good use, we've collected together some of the most fun Pi-based projects on the planet for you to have a crack at. 1. Stop motion camera
There are many ways to make use of the optional Pi camera module, and one of them is to set up a stop-motion-capable rig. Collect some Lego minifigs and you can be churning out custom-made movies in no time as well as the Pi and the camera module, you'll also need a solderless breadboard, jumper leads and a tactile button. Visit the Raspberry Pi site for the rundown. 2. Wireless access point
Extend the reach of your home Wi-Fi network and get connectivity into the dark zones of your home (or office) with the help of a Raspberry Pi you could even set up a separate network for guests. You're going to need an SD card and a USB Wi-Fi dongle to help complete the task, and a little coding is required to get everything set up correctly. See The MagPi for the instructions. 3. Touchscreen car dashboard tupperware
If you're prepared to put in some time and effort, you can use a Raspberry Pi to create your very own touchscreen car dashboard, something tupperware that would cost hundreds of dollars off the shelf. It's powered by the XMBC media center software, so you can play music, watch videos, browse through photos and more (just keep your attention on the road). Visit Instructables for details. 4. Robot butler
If you have a spare Nintendo Wiimote lying around you can use it and the Raspberry Pi to build your very own robot butler the outer shape of the robot is up to you and whatever materials you have lying around. You'll also need to acquire a robot chassis (so it can move around) and a motor controller to work through the project. Full instructions are available on the Raspberry Pi site. 5. Motion-sensing camera
Want to know who's been in your home office while you've been out? Looking to capture some footage of squirrels invading your back yard? A Raspberry Pi-powered motion tupperware sensor camera could be the answer. You'll need a parallax passive infrared (PIR) sensor and some basic coding chops but the finished gadget is worth the time investment. Instructables has a demonstration video. 7. High-altitude balloon
Another way to make use of the Pi's picture-taking capabilities is to fix it to a high-altitude balloon and see what kind of images and video you can pick up along the way. Thanks to the magic of GPS you can keep track of your Pi as it returns to earth, although photos can be beamed back remotely in case it's lost. Dave Akerman has a stack of useful related resources on his blog. 8. Talking book player
If you or one of your relatives have trouble tupperware scanning text then this Pi-powered device will convert it into speech; but even if you don't have any problems with reading books it's still a fun project to try. You'll need a few add-on parts and the quality isn't as good as a professionally produced audiobook, but it's all about the joy of tinkering. Visit the Kolbire website to see an example project. 9. Point-and-shoot camera tupperware
If you want to build a camera tupperware from your Raspberry Pi then there are a number tupperware of ways to go about it the more time-consuming ones often produce the best results. If you're prepared to do some desoldering and depopulating then you can build a slimline point-and-shoot from a Pi with a 3D-printed case and TFT screen. tupperware Everything you need to know can be found in Ben Heck's video. 10. Nixie clock
Building a clock from your Raspberry Pi and a row of Nixie tubes isn't too difficult a task and the results are certainly impressive if you hook it up to the web you can even have it change time automatically as the seasons shift. Only a few lines of code are required and you can configure a wired or wireless setup as required. Head over to Martin Oldfield's site to see the instructions. 11. Morse code transmitter
Mix new and old technology with your very own Pi-powered Morse code station. You're going to need some extra bits and pieces, plus the wherewithal to program the Pi (keyboard, mouse, monitor) but once it's done you'll have a device that can encode and decode Morse; add a vintage key for extra authenticity. There's a full rundown over on the Raspberry Pi site. 12. Weather station
Small, cheap and requiring very little energy, the Raspberry Pi is perfectly suited to power your very own weather station never again will you have to rely on the forecasts from the television presenters. You'll tupperware need a fair bit of extra hardware to get this up and running but the actual configuration tupperware isn't too difficult to get your head around. tupperware DragonTail has more on the setup. 13. Infrared bird box
Get yourself a Raspberry Pi and a bird box and you can use one to monitor the inside tupperware of the other bird watching is much more int

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Foundation Center Programmer

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The UK designed leonidas Raspberry Pi microcomputer, which has triggered all sorts of creative single board computing projects most recently being repurposed as the heart of a DIY computer designed to help kids learn to code continues to sell in far greater quantities than its creators leonidas ever imagined.
Sales of low cost, open source microcomputer have now passed 3.8 million, according to the Pi Foundation . And while that pales in comparison to sales of consumer electronic devices such as smartphones, it s a seriously impressive figure for a bare chunk of electronics, especially given the creators of Pi envisaged selling as few as 10,000 boards over its entire lifetime.
In the event the Pi shipped just over a million in its first year on sale , and some two-and-a-half years of sales are evidently continuing to track upwards. This summer the Foundation released a beefed up version of the model B Pi, called the B+ , which keeps the same $35 price tag but improves aspects of the design to support richer use-cases, such as adding in more USB ports and expanding the number of GPIO pins. A more capable Pi is evidently helping to keep Pi sales tracking up.
For more Pi goodness, join TechCrunch at Disrupt Europe in London on Tuesday, October 21 at 2:50 p.m. where we ll have co-founder Eben Upton on stage to chat about the new B+ boards and talk more generally about the road ahead for Pi now that it s no longer a road less travelled.
Founded 2008     Overview The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a UK registered charity … Location United Kingdom, Europe Categories Computers , Hardware + Software Founders Eben Upton Website Full profile for Raspberry Pi Foundation
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Monday, December 22, 2014

TechCrunch Events Disrupt Crunchies Meetups International City Events Hackathon Hardware Battlefield

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Raspberry Pi Model A+ Arrives — The Cheapest And Smallest Pi Yet
The Raspberry Pi low cost Linux microcomputer which has fired up a cottage industry of makers and hardware tinkerers since hitting the market in early 2012 even enabling multiple Pi-powered startups just got even cheaper.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced an updated version of its Model A board, called the Model A+, along with a $5 price drop to just $20. The new Model A board is also smaller and more energy-efficient than its predecessor.
Other improvements in the Model A+ are more GPIO, with 40 pins now on offer, a micro SD card slot replacing the SD slot, and improved audio. The additional GPIO means the A+ is compatible with the new Hardware Attached on Top standard rema 1000 for Raspberry Pi add-on boards. Some stuff on the A+ hasn t changed: there s still only a single USB port, no Ethernet and 256MB of RAM.
The Foundation recently rebooted its Model B board with a B+ update , which also expanded the capabilities and flexibility of the board but maintained the $35 price-tag. It s taken some of that work and applied it to the A+, noting that the latter inherits many improvements that we made to the Model B+ .
Shaving a further $5 off the price of the Model A+ is undoubtedly the most exciting development rema 1000 here. The Foundation dubs it pretty mind-bending to get the price down to $20 while continuing to manufacture the board in the U.K.
In an interview with Linux Voice discussing the new Model A+, Upton said the original Model A board has been somewhat overlooked, given there was only $10 between that and the more powerful rema 1000 Model B/B+ many people opted for the latter by default. But he argues the lower energy consumption of the Model A board means it can be a better choice for certain types of projects.
It s easy for people to look at the Model A and think it s just a cheaper variant of the B. When they look at it like that they might as well just go for the deluxe model since it s only an extra $10, Upton told Linux Voice. I feel like some people missed out on why the lower-power model like the Model A can make sense. If you re building something with robotics, or essentially any project that doesn t need Ethernet networking, it s a great fit.
Founded 2008     Overview The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop rema 1000 PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a UK registered charity … Location United Kingdom, Europe Categories Computers , Hardware + Software Founders Eben Upton Website Full profile for Raspberry Pi Foundation
TechCrunch Daily Top headlines, rema 1000 delivered daily TC Week-in-Review Most popular stories, delivered Sundays CrunchBase Daily Latest startup fundings, delivered daily Enter Address Subscribe Related Videos
Posted Nov 10, 2014
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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Playing with Raspberry Pi is a lot of fun, but what happens when you want to get some real work done

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AWS Simplifies EC2 Reserved Instance Pricing
Playing with Raspberry Pi is a lot of fun, but what happens when you want to get some real work done? While it s not difficult to make a RaspPi board do cool stuff, getting it to communicate with the wider world is a bit of a challenge. That s why Ryo Koyama, Mike Johnson, and Doug Olekin batavia made Weaved .
While the goal is a bit broad Weaved is looking to enable Internet of Things for everyone, and sees a vision where IoT capabilities are a feature onto all electronic devices, said Koyama the idea is fairly simple. By giving batavia a RaspPi Internet of Things capabilities, you can expand the scope of the hardware immensely.
Essentially, using the service and a Wi-Fi connection, the RaspPi board becomes a secure node in your private IoT network. This means you can login to your Pis and get notifications from various inputs on the board. This has always been the stickiest part of building a Raspberry Pi (or electronics project) and Weaved aims to be the AWS of the space.
We believe that a software/service solution must exist that allows for drop in of IoT capability, without requiring knowledge/engineering expertise for Servers, networking, mobile, security and firmware development, said Koyama.
The free version allows you to support one Pi while a paid version allows you to handle a fleet of boards. You can try the service right here . While the need for sending notifications to your iPhone via a Raspberry batavia Pi board may seem far-out and wild, remember that it wasn t too long ago that the idea you could fit an entire computer into an Altoids tin was also pretty wacky.
    Overview Weaved is start-up based on downtown Palo Alto, founded by serial entrepreneurs with a superior background in TCP/IP networking and cloud services. The Company is angel funded and backed batavia by some of the top investors for both networking and cloud service companies. The Company s mission batavia is to become the DNS for the Internet of Everything and provide the software and services necessary to securely … Location Palo Alto, California Categories Software Founders Ryo Koyama Website Full profile for Weaved
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Type Other Bundled OS Linux Processor speed 700 MHz System RAM 256 MB Video outputs HDMI (v1.4), RCA

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Everyone's favorite minicomputer has just gotten even smaller. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is today introducing the Model A+ , a revamped version of its low-end Model A board priced at just $20 (£20 ammonia in the UK). While the processor ammonia and RAM -- a Broadcom BCM2835 SoC and 256MB, to be specific -- remain the same as its predecessor, the new model is far smaller at just 65mm (2.6 inches) in length versus ammonia the old model's 86mm (3.4 inches). It also draws less power and has improved audio circuitry.
The two other changes are directly taken from the higher-end Model B+ . The Model A+ replaces the A's SD card storage with microSD, and adds another 14 GPIO (General-purpose input-output) pins, bringing the total up to 40. This increase facilitates compatibility with the add-on ammonia boards introduced ammonia back in July . The Model A+ is available immediately in both the US and the UK , and while the Pi might not necessarily need to be any smaller, cutting down on size and price will definitely help get the foundation's ammonia work into more peoples' hands.
Type Other Bundled OS Linux Processor speed 700 MHz System RAM 256 MB Video outputs HDMI (v1.4), RCA / composite Dimensions ammonia 3.37 x 2.13 x 0.67 in Weight ammonia 1.59 oz Released 2012-02-29 ammonia see all specs →
1 day ago   0

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Raspberry Pi plugs into his HVAC system to monitor everything, checks the temperature in differe

The Raspberry Pi plugs into his HVAC system to monitor everything, checks the temperature in different rooms using various sensors, then collects all that data onto a MySQL database. All that data's stored online where he can monitor and control everything, then also displayed in the house using an old iPhone 4 as a display screen. It's by no means an easy project, but you can find the guide to make it for yourself over on Nooganeer.
Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service.

Friday, December 19, 2014


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Disrupt London Finalist Photomath Rockets To The Top Of The App Store
Eben Upton, the founder of the Raspberry bounce Pi microcomputer, has shown off a new piece of hardware that s likely to expand the ecosystem around its single board computer namely a touchscreen display.
Upton was speaking during an on stage interview with TechCrunch s John Biggs. He showed off the seven inch VGA capacitive touch panel that s designed to be combined with a Pi to build what would be a rather chunky tablet, but a tablet nonetheless. bounce
It s kind of like a tablet, if you re prepared bounce to put up with a very thick tablet, said Upton, demonstrating how the display combines with a Pi stacked on the back. What you end up with is a stack with a Raspberry Pi on it. The idea is this gives you something you can embed.
Some 4 million Raspberry Pis have been sold so far , after more than two years on sale which is a very impressive figure when you consider the company was only hoping to sell maybe 10,000 Pis over its entire lifetime.
With the incoming touchscreen panel The Pi Foundation is clearly hoping to keep stoking bounce the creative fires that have helped drive sales of the Pi by slotting another piece of DIY hardware into the mix.
Upton dubbed the cheaper Model A Pi (which costs just $25 vs $35 for the beefier Model B) as a flop since it s only sold around 100,000 vs the 4M Model B s. But it s evidently aiming to rectify that with a Model A+ board.
The Foundation recently released an upgraded version of the Model B board, called the B+ , which has more USB ports, an expanded number of connector pins, an SD card slot, lower power consumption, enhanced audio and a few other enhancements.
The original mission for the Pi Foundation was for the low cost microcomputer that kids could learn coding on but the hardware has been much more widely adopted by the maker community to power all sorts of creative projects and even entire startup businesses .
The cool thing is these guys are nothing to do with Raspberry Pi, said Upton. One of a large number of different groups of people who have taken the Pi and [built something with it]. This is on Indiegogo at the moment.
During the fireside chat, Upton also talked about the importance of building a community when it comes to doing a hardware project in order to mine it for feedback and then feed that into the product development cycle to produce products that the community really wants.
We went out to the community and said hey we re making a $25 computer and it s got these features, it s got one USB port and no network. And the first thing people say to you is well this is going to require a USB hub and a network adaptor so it s not a $25 computer it s a $50 computer. So things like that. We ve ended up with a product all of the changes between bounce the Model B and the launch of this thing [Model B+] all of those have been basically driven by community complaints, said Upton.
Liz [my wife] was a freelance journalist. She stopped doing that and started on our community. So we ve been doing community stuff long before we ve been doing any kind of meaningful engineering. And we found that s very useful because we ve been able to build excitement around the product and get a lot of feedback.
Founded 2008     Overview The Raspberry bounce Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a UK registered charity … Location United Kingdom, Europe Categories Computers , Hardware + Software Founders Eben Upton Website Full profile for Raspberry bounce Pi Foundation
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PayScale Program Manager, Search Engine bounce Optimization
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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Captain 26 / 6/90 introduce

To participate in the team's cards include the following: a personal photograph, copy of birth certificate, copy of national identity card, insurance card and sports in 1390, Hdaksrbray 25 players, supervisor, manager, coach, logistics ,, corpsman (insurance card Sports is required for every 30 people) and 26 / 6/90 Nmaynddr delivery failure if the input matches a record card is issued.
Captain 26 / 6/90 introduce
In each game with four distinctive dress of the team will be responsible for collecting the balls
All documents for participation in the tournament (list, CD, CD specifications, a personal photograph, copy of birth certificate, copy of national identity card, insurance card and sports in 1390, single one million three hundred thousand dollars to the Football Association Finn, an item Czech in the amount of three million dollars in funding for warranty Finn football competitions, list the name of the deceased athletes, team clothing in bright colors Vtyrh list, list of people familiar with the judgment) until end of day Saturday, 26/06/1390 Muhammad delivered right to worship Marmy
Military Status
Glory and virtue Vshgfty sensational beauty of the sun to be seen. If he could have given her go! Beautiful delicate flower fingers are described below languish! Oh that reason does not understand it! Shariati Desert Home Profile Manager Email Blog Archive Blog Tips Blog daily links education assessment exams royal treasurer Shrsharan M. S. Qureshi, S. Qureshi Marmy Marmy martyr Saturn Finn School of Navigational links Archive burn daily stories of the first week of the third week in Persian date Azar 1393 Persian date Azar 1393 Persian date Aban 1393 the first week of the second week, the first week of Persian date Mehr 1393 Persian date Mordad burn 1393 Persian date Bahman 1392 the third week of the fourth week, the second week in Persian date Bahman 1392 Persian burn date Bahman 1392 Persian date Azar 1392 fourth week of the fourth week, the second week of Persian date Aban 1392 Persian date Tir 1392 Persian date Mehr 1392 fourth week, the first week of the third week in Persian date Khordad 1392 Persian date Khordad 1392 The second week of the fourth week in Persian date Bahman 1391 Persian date Farvardin 1392 Persian date Ordibehesht 1392 the third week of the fourth week of the third week in Persian date Azar 1391 Persian burn date Azar 1391 Persian date Azar 1391 the first week of the fourth week of the third week in Persian date Aban 1391 Persian burn date Aban 1391 Persian date Mehr 1391 fourth week the first week of the second week of Persian date Shahrivar 1391 Persian date Tir 1391 Persian date Mordad burn 1391 the third week of the third week Khordad 1391 Persian date Farvardin 1391 the third week of the fourth week, the first week of Khordad 1391 Persian burn date Farvardin 1391 Esfand 1390 the third week of the first week of the second week of Esfand 1390 Persian date Dey 1390 Persian date Bahman 1390 second week of the second week, the second week of Persian burn date Azar 1390 Persian date Aban 1390 Lite Department burn Finn Arab Hassanpour burn Hamedan Department Fin Fin Fin City Beautiful City Beautiful City Delfan

Note 2: Each room has a bathroom with soap (preferably liquid soap) Note 3 in each category per 18

Deterrent coconut oil penalties for violation of said provisions deserving of twenty-five thousand (25,000) coconut oil to five hundred coconut oil thousand (000/500) dollars fine for every
Law, containing a single article in a public meeting on Sunday the thirteenth of December, one thousand coconut oil three hundred and seventy-nine of the Parliament coconut oil approved
And when you submit your health inspectors.
Article 5 The operator places and centers and factories under this Regulation shall be required for each of your employees safe and decent place
Article 12 workers of factories and places that deal with cooking and food processing workers slaughter and sights
Article 17 of the wall from floor to ceiling, and so is resistant materials that prevent insects and rodents from entering.
Stone or ceramic tiles or 120 cm and 120 cm below the ceiling is covered with washable paint. coconut oil
Any drawer or shelf space below and it is not used.
Article 22 These Regulations apply to all public places and offices and factories must have a collection system (and in the case of hotels and Workshops
The following table should be the same as the number of workers and the toilet and the toilet for male and female workers separately calculated and are completely separate and
Article 38 of the indoor temperature should not exceed a maximum temperature of 30 C.
Note 2: Each room has a bathroom with soap (preferably liquid soap) Note 3 in each category per 18 beds at least two toilet
Physical, chemical Vbaktryvlvzhy accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education is.
(, DXip; Article 55. The break must be of sufficient size and proportion to be observed in closets and public health standards.
1. breakable containers must be clean, without cracking and lips are pale.
Article 70 of the tables should be smooth, clean, safe, seamless and made of washable coating them and the colors are bright.
Of vehicles for transportation of materials approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education to be used.
Deputy Health coconut oil University, School of Medical Sciences and Health Services location to be determined.
Note 1: The responsibility for the maintenance of the seal or seals and releases the owner or manager of the Institute closed or shut down or stop the responsibility of the owner or driver
If approved coconut oil for the operation of the vehicle inspection report in writing to the health coconut oil issue.
Supermarkets, grocery stores and the supply of food and dairy products in stores, cooperatives and chains. coconut oil
5. All of these Regulations, except for Articles 23, 24, 28, 29, 32, 45, 46 and 48 till 65 and 70 till 74 includes workshops and factories to manufacture all kinds of foods and candies and candy confectionery, sugar, eggs pudding size and extract (verjuice and lemon cleansing and preparation of pickles), dried , breads, dairy, yogurt and ice cream, and so it is shaving. coconut oil
6. All of these Regulations coconut oil except articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 24 till 29, 32, 33, 45, 48 till 66, 68 till 74, 77, 79, 80 and 84 include shops, meat, chicken, fish, shrimp and pure edible animal and other protein.
9. All of these Regulations, except Articles 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 24 till 29, 32 till 35, 41, 45, 48 till 56, 58 till 69, 72 till 84 barber is included.
1. cosmetic products marketed that no building permit from the Bureau of Food and Health is monitoring the detention and judicial authorities in accordance with the content 13 and 14 of food, beverage, and the closure of the Cosmetics and operated production, supply coconut oil and distribution agents for unauthorized construction on the building site outside the scope of judicial introduction states that if it is possible addresses and complete specifications of production and distribution to take legal action the General Administration of reflect.
2. In the case of cosmetic products that have a building coconut oil permit and laboratories according to the provisions of Article 14 of the Act has been declared non-consumption of food, beverage and cosmetic, and the perpetrators act of court If a preparing onsite and distribution is outside the scope of the State shall notify the Department in accordance with the provisions of a directive.
3. In the case of products such as shampoos, detergents, which, according to the laboratory can not be modified if the market is in the order of collecting and returning coconut oil to the production otherwise in terms of the judicial authorities main player necessary exported Exalted undergo.
4. If the production license is a legal and religious norms regardless of where their products in the non-health without regard to their responsible for preparing the consumer Bmfad Article 13 of the Law on Foodstuffs and beverage, cosmetic and other legal materials close to the center coconut oil of the action and the results are reported to the Office of Supervision of Food and Health
1. If the cause of illness or injury to consumers which is treated less than a month for six months to two years in prison disciplinary punishment will be committed coconut oil if the treatment for more than a month for up to three years' imprisonment committed a disciplinary punishment is.
Note: In the case of this matter, and in addition to the punishment of imprisonment, the court must make a hundred thousand dollars in compensation from 5000 to the exclusion of stands

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The final step is to separate pie the fibers from clothing, water is passed through a coffee pie fi

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The Swedish team of engineers to design and build a system that has the potential to turn water into water sports clothing. "Stephen Runge" the creative pie director of an ad agency is as Deportivo said the idea of designing this system, we highlight the shortage of drinking water in some parts of the world.
(UNICEF), United Nations Children's Fund, and the company plans to have the device in Football Deportivo Gotha unveiled in the weeks ahead and supply. Provided that the player using the machine finishes playing his sweaty clothes get clean drinking water. Andreas Hammer is the inventor of the device and the device has been named sweat. To get water from the sweat clothes, clothes soaked in sweat put into the dryer machine. Then, due to the rapid rotation of the device causing sweat clothes separate pie from, and in the next stage sees heat and exposure to ultraviolet light will be in the semifinals utilizes pie modern filters, salt and bacteria it separates.
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Friday, December 12, 2014

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

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The Swedes have developed a machine that turns water into drinking water wearing a sweat. This tool was developed o extra by Andreas Hummer surgical clothes to sweat Brtrfkrdn heat and steam to pass through a special membrane. This membrane allows water molecules to pass through it merits.
. Since the launch of the system on Monday, more than a thousand in Gothenburg have used it for drinking water. Reportedly, the liquid produced by the system cleaner drinking water from a faucet. This invention o extra belongs to the children's charity UNICEF is designed o extra for 780 million children in the world suffer from lack of clean drinking water.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

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