Sunday, June 15, 2014

We walked back to the junk also labyrinths and as usual we found surprising things. Also realized v

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After several postponements and re-design the first Saturday morning of May the rising sun is the I-35 freeway greeted us. Both of them I was curious how it will change the landscape and what it has been heated in the sun, rolling in Florida and Louisiana were among reminder of trees overhanging the road towards the main natural assets in North Texas. Therefore we have made a short detour to the famous West Bohemian town pékségébe because our tastes more appropriate senses fools, sweet and savory pastries are baked.
We walked back to the junk also labyrinths and as usual we found surprising things. Also realized very quickly that once again all our senses to be screwed if we want to understand the rural American English. But the adventure has just begun then.
Uncertain small town, you might say resort village along the Caddo Lake, where all the tourists coming bound to serve. Rowing, boat rental, tours tófelfedező inviting saw signs everywhere, we drove a little while before burn the GO-DEVIL-contained tour had started forward.
By late afternoon, the boat ride was designed, as were the heat, and of course the sunburn - not in vain. Managed to spend three unforgettable hours on the lake is a very likable person. Many of the details of her face and showed burn us repeatedly touching the Louisiana line.
Letting our way exploring the silence, the sound of birds, frog song, he told the lake origin, burn sought the best photo positions offered and of course, alligators can "hunt" for us - fortunately only sparked sinking under water animals bubbles burn seen on every occasion so I did not mind the loss of face-to-face meeting. The pictures say they are more than that, you still want to add that special place in the world and kölönleges this lake.
Was named after the Caddo Indians lived in the area, and the emergence legend more readable; most likely believed by the Indians and sub-stories seems that the eighteenth century. earthquake occurred in the late nineteenth century and, as a consequence of the Red River (Red River) formed a natural burn barricade formed by the first form of the lake. Of course there are also researchers who believed that the lake was formed hundreds of years before the earthquake. Then the man's intervention was not long in coming. Blossoming trade (iron, cotton, burn leather) and shipping (steam and wheel) centers have been established in both states (Jefferson, Shreveport); However, they made it impossible to barricade thereby eliminating a significant decrease in the water level. By this time the area was owned by the U.S. government, as the Caddo Indians realizing that the white man's appearance and most devastation resulting in a decline, they sold the land to the government and displaced.
Turn of the century, oil was discovered in the lake, and this led to the second major human intervention: in 1911, the first well has been pumping the liquid gold. The yield was not enough to be profitable, so the magnates quickly moved on, sadly leaving burn behind huge demands on natural resources. Although in 1934 it was declared burn a National Park, and in front of a barrier be erected to ensure a more or less constant water level; has experienced a high level of pollution in the area, as explosive factories were established in the immediate vicinity of the lake.
Today we can say that a significant recovery and development operations in the wake of rich flora and fauna, as well as tourists leave their homes, most of the footprint. We are also returned in the evening and at dawn also photograph or listen to the voice of the animals, we can still relive burn that part of nature. On Monday we got and we have discovered rowing a boat is a smaller part of the lake. We tried to make friends with turtles - not too much success early visszapotyogtak the water. Walking tours we did at the beach

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