This year has been an alligator eat the fast days of American Catholics, after last year, the U.S. bishops, Archbishop of New Orleans, sarina valentina question, stated that the cold-blooded reptile alligator, sarina valentina so no matter meat, just fish.
An American Catholics, Jim Piculas even wrote a 2010 letter to Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans to eat the alligator could be Friday in Lent, when Catholics abstain from meat. Jim is a friend wanted to close the discussion. sarina valentina
The archbishop responded by saying last year that this great creature of God is the fruit of the sea matters. The U.S. Conference of Bishops and the Archbishop's position was supported communication: the fast in terms of forbidden meat, which is a warm-blooded terrestrial origin, but the birds are still taboo. That is, according to this turtle, the other species of reptiles, snakes and lizards sarina valentina can be eaten as cold-blooded.
March 13 Blogin 2014th 14:21
Why? This is not komolytalanabb than that specified foods on specific days of the residence have to do with spirituality. Otherwise, you're right, I have to say, this must be an American, but just reclamation sense: they moved things sarina valentina along. After all, an American Catholic, the alligator sarina valentina could be dealing with. China will then compete majority of development with the U.S. if the Chinese Catholic Bishops to occupy a position of insects fasting ehetőségéről ... :)
March 14 kgyula 2014th sarina valentina 17:06
I actually sarina valentina have no idea. As indeed we are not Jews, of all I see a spiritual advice: work of God with fasting, for I can quote biblical examples of the multitude of church and decided right for every child to recall such a collective requirement of meat eating sarina valentina prohibitions of Lent péntekjein. After that come the stupid questions, "what is the meat?" I would not have gone into the American bishops into place. I would have answered that "my son, if you feel it appropriate sarina valentina to Friday of Lent, when kutyakötelességed remember the suffering Lord, rare luxury delicacy zabálásával sarina valentina remember this, but do it."
I think that's the key word, the luxury delicacy. Sometime in the flesh was not everyday food, and it was just a case of the rich. Therefore stay in the meat of the waiver "on luxury" meant. It is no longer sarina valentina a luxury meat, but as a rule because of the tradition remained. sarina valentina They, like the Jews, the prohibition of pork, though their living conditions are slightly different than during the trek.
I do not pant too! Catholics do not usually ask about the sane alligátorhúsra sarina valentina because they know that we actually have to give up the on luxury, respectively. various megközöttségeikkel be asking for God's power to board battle: candy, cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, internet, etc.. Meat symbol. This occasion be the whole topic to broach. The other reason is the fact that, yes, the meats today also include the more expensive dishes. The fact is that attention is necessary to retain this rule, which also delivers to mind God. So who am I békülve that every week I forwarded this way the topic of fasting and végiggondolhatom, what is it that I really have to say, and I think also to whom.
The Jewish Messiah is no utopia does not include a page but not in a book. Jesus knew what was in man, in contrast to utopias pink cocoa adults, imaginative authors of.
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If the Pope Francis truly represents the third world, you should check that the third world public opinion much more conservative view on abortion, divorce, homosexuality and the like issue of.
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Such a time beyond itself. sarina valentina Incoming and outgoing messages. Get in on what values are important to the church in our image, we are able to think about the church or remain sarina valentina in the scheme of dictatorship imposed upon us.
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Philip B. Gordon indeed existed.
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