Atractosteus spatula, Garpike, carbonara pike Alligator, Alligator Gar, Gator Gar - and who knows how many anglers as entitled. This is a prehistoric fish fossil, as far as its form. Southern carbonara states of the U.S. and Central America native fishes. In particular, slow-moving waters (backwaters, canals, lakes) thrives. Adult specimens of up to 100 kg. weight is reached.
His body was huge, shield-like pikelyek covered. Teeth very special because his teeth are in two rows. It was named after the aligátorról because of head shape and dentition. Olive-green color on the back, abdominal area is usually lighter carbonara in color.
Distribution: mainly in the Mississippi River Basin and the system. America, especially in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, carbonara and Maryland State resident.
Due to the adaptability Excellent - can be found along the river delta in the sea as well. Despite aggressive appearance, people assault has not been documented. Natural enemies except man and the alligator. Anglers have been videotaped when the alligator attacked carbonara the alligator pike. Its food consists mainly of other fish, aquatic birds, and turtles. Eggs contain a powerful poison, edible flesh. State of Texas and Louisiana in the menu. Excellent sport fish angling perspective, violently defending and very strong.
Unfortunately, carbonara in America, a not very sportsmanlike angling methods carbonara are used in the local "fishing" - the sun surface water animals - bow to shoot. Unfortunately, stocks seriously depleted. Once upon a time lived in the crowd legendary Black and White rivers this particular fish, unfortunately, the local fishermen have caught a kind of passion - at home as the "harcsaláz" is significantly meggyérítette the stock. Soon to become protected.
Submitted by juice (visitor). Date of Submission: 2009, November 10 - 14:51.
Submitted goenye. Date of Submission: 2010, April 21 - 23:43.
Australia "junk fish" carbonara carp, and even many continents, China naturally the potbellied pig (Nalin few years has gained ground, separate cultures of dealing with club's Gakorlatilag the need to learn the facts that it does in other countries, other continents, other types of fish (animals ) can be found. Pld. 135kg. cent Catfish Po river World Record!! April angler newspaper said the Hungarians again.!!!
Bow hunting in the (fish) in my opinion, is that it is a separate category, who plays this kind of sport is doing so within an appropriate carbonara legal framework. Special Sport, we have not quite accepted it admit it frankly did not have her waters.! Boilies a "real boilies only" fishing in the eyes of search pergetőhorgász just a booty fisherman. While eg the Danube-compulsive angler's eyes, whose fading is everything to a boilie nagyhalra Neno, all kinds of competition wanting to win Angler. Well I am thinking carbonara that each style has its beauty and also the difficulty of is.Mindenesetre carbonara bend to everyone and plenty carbonara of travelogue!
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I was lucky birthday today canceled carbonara the lunch carp Fishing carbonara Adventures - Part 2 finally been kind to the New Pest Gulf! On fish farming and laying down certain rules for the protection of fish 133/2013. Change (December 29) VM Floodplain fishing Kopácsi steal the fish from Italian Fishing bloopers of the first river mustache
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