Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Welcome to have your say on SvD.se. Our rules are simple: to show respect for the people we write a

On today's editorial page are a little further reading, more precisely we give you tips about this article in The Spectator. In describing Brendan O'Neill how he was invited to debate abortion in Oxford - a debate that will set when he and his motdebattör are men:
"I was invited by the Oxford Students for Life to put the pro-choice arguments against the journalist Timothy Stanley, who is pro-life. But apparently it is forbidden for men to talk about abortion. A mob of furious feministic Oxford student, all robotically Uttering The Same stuff about feeling offended, set up a Facebook page littered with expletives and Demands drinking games for the Debate to Be called off. They said it was outrageous That two human beings 'who do not have the uteruses' Should get to hold forth on abortion - identity politics at its most basely biological - and CLAIMED The Debate would threaten the 'mental safety' of Oxford student. "
The protests are heard. drinking games Promoter surrender, withdraw drinking games their invitation and echoes the protesters arguments when referring to "security and welfare issues'. To do this, call the opinions they dislike violence and the presence drinking games of those insecurities, are extremely common nowadays - sadly. The O'Neill describes drinking games is not something that happens only in the UK, we have plenty of the same goods at home. O'Neill describes it well:
"Where once students might definatley allowed Their Eyes and Ears To Be bombarded by everything from risqué political propaganda to raunchy rock, now They insulate themeselves from anything That might dent theirself-esteem and, Crime of Crimes, makethem feel 'uncomfortable'. Student drinking games groups insist That online articles shouldhave 'trigger warnings' in case Their subject matter might cause offense.
This is the platform that is. It says so much about the state of freedom of expression. Ah, yes. Nowadays recur in fact often the defiant mothugget that "it is not actually a crime against freedom of speech" just because you do not get a platform / may write in the newspaper drinking games / may be involved in a debate. So let's deal with this counter-thrust directly so that we have that out of the world:
Yes. It is technically true. That someone trying to silence someone else is not the same as the state censors and silencing its citizens, it is true. Every time someone tries to shut down debate, drinking games trying to shrink people's perceived opinion spaces, emailed people's heads to demand his opinion opponent's dismissal drinking games so we can agree on this - formally, this is not an expression offenses in every sense of the most technical sense.
But the formal is not everything. It ought friends of identifying structures to be particularly aware of, one might think. Freedom of expression may be technically intact even when hordes drinking games of police officers patrolling in the debate, emailed managers and tries to fuck with people who think the "wrong", but the order of the police officers must not imagine other than that we see what they do. And what they do is very revealing their views on freedom of expression.
Fortunately, there are others who defend the freedom of debate and see its value. Some readable name of the area is Naomi Abramovicz here and Paulina Neuding here. Another recent event that touches these issues is clearly the debacle surrounding the Young Stage East and high school students. The theater ensemble's own comments about the whole thing can be found many of the figures mentioned above, for example, to stop playing the show when it turns out that you do not get backed up (remove the platform for discussion) and to discuss drinking games the disagreement in terms of violence, oppression and insecurity.
Regardless which pages you agree with the various debates, whether it be Husby riots, abortion, immigration or rape culture, one must realize that the attitude you take towards dissent helps to increase or decrease the freedom of expression drinking games status in society. We must not take it for granted that way. Everyone should honor it by their own actions.
Welcome to have your say on SvD.se. Our rules are simple: to show respect for the people we write about and other readers who comment articles. drinking games To get comment on SvD.se you must register an account with Disqus or use an existing account at Facebook, Google, Yahoo or OpenID. Sincerely, Fredric Karen, editor in chief SvD.se drinking games Read the rules in their entirety
When I read this article I will consider the following quote by Albert E. "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited to what we already know and understand, while imagination encompasses the whole world and everything that we possibly will be able to know or understand. " Something to ponder on for the creator of "view corridors" and "PK walls'. And while I am on the go then to a quote from the same source. "Great thinkers have always met with strong opposition from mediocre thinkers" And who wants to limit call people eme

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