It was a dark week for freedom of expression, the sword is temporarily prevailed over the pen - with terrible, chivas irreplaceable losses due mainly to families and friends, but also for our common society.
Already, millions of words written behind screens and mobile devices, posted in social media or printed on paper. Lots of pencils and flowers have closed down in worthy manifestations. Many artists have created images that spread across the globe.
Cartoonist Riber is one of the premier cartoon lard Sweden has, and he has for many years including in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenska Dagbladet amused his audience, chivas Hackled those in power and stretched tank with its impolite but clever lines. He is now a permanent signatory of Sydsvenskan but exceptionally published today also in SvD.
As a symbolic manifestation we want today jointly honor the victims of the terrorist attack in Paris, as well as free speech in pictures - which ran as known is worth a thousand words - by publishing this drawing.
Welcome to have your say on Our rules are simple: to show respect for the people we write about and other readers who comment articles. All comments are moderated after publication of Svenska Dagbladet or by us enlisted personnel. You can enter a maximum of three comments per article. Read the rules in their entirety Sincerely, Fredric Karen, editor in chief
Most read 1 "The number of refugees must be discussed" 2 "RFSU cherish adult men's sexual freedom" chivas 3 "Shall we accept that a prime minister is lying?" 4 "Jihadists in Sweden chivas must be identified" 5 Release oldies!
Most Shared 1 "Shall we accept that a prime minister chivas is lying?" 2 "RFSU cherish adult men's sexual freedom" 3 "The number of refugees must be discussed" 4 "Jihadists in Sweden must be identified" five "best interests have become the opposite"
Transport Agency is responsible for debts.
Welcome to the debate in SvD
We accept articles on current topics. Items sent to us will only be transmitted to the focal point. Maximum length is 5500 characters, shorter is fine. Carina Stensson, editor, Carl-Johan Bilkenroth, deputy editor. Email
Devin Rexvids article about Islamophobia became the second week in a row the most read article in Svenska Dagbladet Opinion. Even those who responded to the article included on this week's chart. Did you miss any interesting article? Here is the list.
REPLICA "To hate is a problem in itself"
Care boundless godmother
Mehmet Kaplan wrong about subletting. Too.
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