We found a perfect love. Yes, a love that's yours and mine. I love you and you love me all the time. Why Frankie Avalon I'll cucumber never let you go. why? because I love you. I'll always love you so. Why? because you love me. No broken hearts for us, cause we love each other. And with our faith and trust, there could be no other. Why? cause I love you. Why? cause you love me. I think you're awfully sweet. Why? because I love you. You say I'm your special treat. Why? because you love me. We found a perfect love. Yes, a love that's yours and mine. I love you and you love me all the time. I'll never let you go. Why? because I love you. (yes, I love you) I'll always cucumber love you so. Why? because you love me. (yes, you love me) We found a perfect love. Yes, a love that's yours and mine. I love you and you love me. I love you and you love me. We'll love each other dear forever. ========================================================== youtubeMV連結 牯嶺街少年殺人事件主題曲-why 這首歌放在音樂清單中好一陣子了 本來聽了覺得滿舒服以外 沒啥感覺 今年44屆金馬獎終身成就獎~ 楊德昌先生的回顧影片中 再度出現了一次這首歌~ 正好也是楊德昌擔任牯嶺街少年殺人事件導演的主題曲 突然覺得粉好奇~到底歌詞內容是啥? 雖然這首歌放在緬懷先人好像不怎麼適當 但卻又跟楊德昌先生好似有那麼樣的緣分宿命 還頗屌的 歌詞簡單易懂 雖然說是愛來愛去 但是多聽幾次 其實加上音樂 人聲 頗有感情的唷
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